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Do you follow the 2024 Alberta Dental Association Fee Guide?

Yes we do! Details of the costs of common procedures, as well as a link to the Alberta Dental Association fee guide, are available on our fees page.

Is Glenbrook Dental open evenings and weekends?

Yes! We are open until 8pm on Tuesday, 7pm Wednesday, 6pm on Thursday and we are open 2 Saturdays a month for your convenience!

How often should I visit the dentist?

We recommend you visit us regularly, at least every 6 months, for your maintenance check-ups and cleanings. This is very important in maintaining a healthy oral cavity. Some patients we will recommend seeing more frequently on 3-4 month intervals if there is active gum disease present. Your doctors and hygienist at Glenbrook Dental will be able to determine how frequently we should be ideally seeing you based on your individual needs.

I am having pain in my teeth! Is this an emergency? What should I do?

Dental pain is no laughing matter. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong! We will be happy to see you ASAP to help resolve your dental emergency. Call us right away at (587) 483-9900!

When should I bring my child in for their first dental visit?
We generally recommend kids start coming around 1 year of age or 6 months after their first tooth erupts. We are happy to see your child earlier than this should you have any concerns.

The earlier your child can come in and start getting used to being in the dental environment the better! It takes time to get used to the dental setting and we want to do everything we can to help you and your child get there! Call us at (587) 483-9900 to book your child in for their first dental visit! We hope to make it a special experience!
Why do we need to treat baby teeth if they are going to fall out anyways?
This is a very common question we get from a lot of parents. It is true that baby teeth will fall out eventually. However, if the tooth has a cavity, or has been injured from trauma, an infection can develop. This can affect the developing adult tooth underneath or cause your child to become physically ill and suffer needlessly from tooth pain.

The earlier you can treat smaller cavities the better! We try to preserve and keep those baby teeth in the mouth for as long as possible until they are naturally supposed to fall out. This is also to prevent unwanted crowding issues later on.

Long story short, we need the baby teeth to stay in the mouth, as healthy as possible until ideally the adult tooth pushes them out naturally.
I am interested in cosmetic dentistry. Do you do this type of dentistry?
Yes! We offer a wide range of cosmetic dental procedures. These range from composite bondingveneers, and crowns, to whitening and Invisalign. Please see our services page to learn more about all of our treatment options.
Do you offer any forms of sedation dentistry?

Yes! We are happy to offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) sedation which is safe for children and adults. We also offer oral sedation for our adult patients as an alternative. Please see our sedation dentistry info page for more information.

Can I get Invisalign treatment to straighten my teeth?

Yes! As with all of our treatments, we must first do a thorough evaluation of your case to determine if this treatment is appropriate for you. Invisalign is a great alternative to conventional braces as it is very discrete and most people will not even notice you are going through treatment.

The cost for Invisalign treatment will vary from case to case as it is dependent on the complexity of each case. We will need to gather information about your teeth (x-rays, photos, digital scans) in order to formulate a treatment plan. Please see our Invisalign info page for more information.

I am currently pregnant. Is it safe to have dental work done or cleanings done?
It depends. Regular cleanings and check-ups are very important in maintaining a healthy oral cavity while you are pregnant. A lot of your body’s resources will be funnelled to your developing baby and this can lead to surprising developments with your gums and teeth. Many women can experience “pregnancy gingivitis” where there is an increased inflammation and bleeding of the gums while pregnant. While it usually goes away after the pregnancy, during the pregnancy it is important to see your hygienist for regular cleanings to keep the bacterial load low under the inflamed gum tissues.

If any urgent dental work needs to be done, we recommend carrying out these procedures during your second trimester. This is usually when it is the most comfortable for you and safest for your unborn child. Any other elective dental work can be delayed until after the pregnancy.

The one instance when we may proceed with dental work regardless of what trimester you are in is if there is a high risk of infection. An infection can pose a large risk to your developing baby, so in certain instances it is better to extract a tooth or perform a root canal regardless of how far along you are. If you are unsure about whether or not you should come in to get treated, please give us a call at (587) 483-9900 and we will be happy to help answer your questions.
What is your cancellation policy for appointments?
We require 24 hours’ notice for any changes to your appointment. We prefer to see all of our patients at their regularly scheduled appointment times, but we understand that unforeseen circumstances may cause you to need to cancel or rebook an appointment.

Any missed appointment with less than this amount of time for notice may incur a “missed appointment fee”. Our hope with this policy is to ensure fair access to quality of care of all of our patients.